Insider's Guide to Selling Your Manufacturing Company

Selling your manufacturing business is a defining moment that will have lasting effects on your legacy, your employees, and your future endeavors. At Adams Corporate Law, our expertise in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), bolstered by our in-depth knowledge of the manufacturing industry, equips us to provide exceptional representation. Our dedicated team will guide you through the process to achieve a favorable transaction that not only aligns with your overarching goals, but also safeguards your interests long after the deal closes.

Manufacturers Network
Don’t miss the Manufacturers’ Network Podcast with featured guest, M&A attorney and founder of Adams Corporate Law, Addison Adams, for more strategic insights on navigating your next manufacturing business sale!  
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Crafting Your Exit: Preparing Your Manufacturing Business for Sale

Selling your manufacturing business requires thorough preparation and expert guidance. This article will walk you through the crucial steps and factors to consider, from initial preparation to finalizing the deal.

  1. Laying the groundwork - Comprehensive Organization and Evaluation:
    “Good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation.” ~ Thomas Edison

    This principle is at the heart of a successful sale strategy for your manufacturing business. By initiating a detailed review and organization years before you plan to sell, you create an environment where opportunity can thrive. Our checklist for a well-prepared business includes:

    • Ensure that you have clean, timely, and accurate accounting practices and records as this will be the foundation of the business valuation.

    • Implement Industry-Standard Inventory Count Processes. Accurate inventory records contribute to transparent operations and financial reporting.

    • Continue to maintain a safe, efficient, and clean operation to enhance value. This improves not only the perceived value but also the operational efficiency of your business.

    • Ensure that all machinery is well-maintained and updated as necessary to optimize operational efficiency and value without incurring unnecessary expenses that won't be recouped in the sale.

    • Keep employee handbooks and daily operations updated and well-documented to ensure that the business can continue to operate smoothly post-transition, and that new leadership can follow established protocols.

    • Plan to delegate more, gradually removing yourself from daily operations to boost transferable value. Businesses that don't rely on their owners for daily operations tend to be more attractive to buyers.

    • Make sure your business adheres to local environmental laws to avoid potential sale delays and legal liabilities.

    • Avoid lease-related complications by ensuring that your exit planning is aligned with your long-term lease obligations.

    • Develop a strategic business growth plan that outlines a clear trajectory for future growth. Doing so will demonstrate future potential and can increase your business's marketability.

    • Evaluate and address any potential legal risks. Our team can help identify and mitigate any potential legal exposures, such as outstanding litigations, intellectual property issues, and more.

    • Build a strong middle management team. A capable management team adds value to the business and can be a key selling point, indicating that the business can operate successfully without you.

    • Secure long-term customer contracts to provide revenue stability. These are attractive to potential buyers.

    With Adams Corporate Law, you have a partner who understands the essence of what buyers seek and the pitfalls that can jeopardize a sale. When you're ready, our team will thoroughly review your business preparedness, ensuring all documentation is in order and advise on value-enhancement strategies to position your company for a smooth and favorable sale.

  2. Obtain a Comprehensive Valuation:  
    Conducting a professional valuation is vital for accurately gauging your manufacturing business's worth. This detailed assessment includes reviewing quantitative data—such as financial statements, capital investments, and inventory levels—and qualitative attributes like the industry environment, customer base diversity, and proprietary technologies or patents. Beyond these, the valuation also factors in your business’s future earnings potential, highlighting anticipated growth and profitability influenced by market trends and expansion opportunities. In addition, it assesses your competitive advantage, considering the strength of your brand, market share, and customer loyalty. Regulatory compliance, potential risks, and liabilities are also scrutinized to ensure a thorough understanding of any challenges that might impact the value. Finally, benchmarking against recent sales of similar businesses provides context, helping to set realistic expectations for the outcome of your sale by offering a nuanced view of your business's market position and competitive standing.

  3. Hiring a Business Broker or Investment Banker:  
    Many of our clients move forward with a buyer they already know and trust and hire us to close the sale without ever engaging the services of a business broker or investment banker. This can sometimes be the best path forward. However, it's important to recognize that relying solely on your immediate network may only uncover a fraction of the potential opportunities out there. While enlisting the services of a business broker or investment banker can be considered costly, they bring valuable experience, backed by extensive market knowledge, insights into industry trends, and a thorough understanding of competitive landscapes. Their vast networks of both strategic and financial buyers can provide broader exposure that not only attracts a larger pool of qualified buyers, but also fosters a competitive bidding environment, ultimately driving up the sale price of your business and creating opportunities for more favorable payment terms. Should you decide to go this route, our team can help you negotiate and finalize the terms of the engagement. We understand customary terms and industry norms and help set expectations for working with your advisor. Our team is also available to review the ‘pitch deck’ to confirm the statements made have back up support and are not creating a false impression of your business or its prospects.

  4. Identifying Potential Buyers and Facilitating Preliminary Discussions:

    “If you sell strictly on price, it’ll cost you dearly.” ~ F. Sonnenberg

    This wisdom rings especially true in the sale of your manufacturing business. Selecting the right buyer involves more than accepting the highest bid; it requires a detailed assessment of strategic fit, cultural alignment, and consistency with your long-term objectives for the sale. Prior to these preliminary discussions our team will draft comprehensive non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and anonymize sensitive data as needed to protect your proprietary information. This step is vital to guard against potential misuse by any unscrupulous buyers.

  5. Negotiating the Letter of Intent (LOI):  
    A critical milestone in the sale process is the development and negotiation of the Letter of Intent. Drafted by the buyer and refined through negotiations with the seller, the LOI primarily includes non-binding provisions concerning price and terms, while establishing binding commitments on confidentiality and exclusivity. Serving as the initial formal step following mutual non-disclosure agreements and preliminary disclosures, the LOI sets the stage for the transaction. Leveraging our extensive experience, we'll assist you in negotiating and finalizing the LOI, ensuring it serves as a solid foundation for the successful sale of your business.

  6. Due Diligence Stage:  
    After signing the LOI, due diligence starts in earnest. If your preparatory work for the sale has been thorough, as detailed above, expect a smoother due diligence process. Typically spanning about 90 days, the buyer will begin analyzing your business’s assets, liabilities, operations, and revenue. In this crucial phase, transparency and familiarity with every aspect of your business are paramount. Ensure all contracts are finalized and orderly, and maintain comprehensive, accurate, and GAAP-compliant financial records. Any lapses in documentation or accounting can be detrimental to the transaction's progress.

    Meanwhile it’s important that you conduct your own due diligence to authenticate the buyer’s record and discover the value they will add as a whole. Speak with a few of their current partners and consider the following:
    • Do I like the people with whom I will be working?

    • Do their goals for the business line up with mine?

    • Does their past performance show results?

    • What is their communication style and how are decisions made?

    • How have they handled strategy disagreements in the past?

    • Based on the above, would they be a good fit for the culture I have created at my company?

    These factors collectively inform whether the buyer aligns with the culture and future you envision for your company.

  7. Preparing and Negotiating the Sale Documents:  
    Navigating the Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) negotiations and any financing arrangements is the final step in closing the sale successfully. Our expertise lies in skillfully negotiating the agreement, including payment terms, personal liability exposure, confidentiality, competition, employment, specific representations and warranties, and the scope and limits of the indemnification provisions. We will safeguard your interests and ensure that the transaction documents are clear, comprehensive, and legally enforceable.

  8. Closing the Deal and Navigating Post-Closing Obligations:  
    This is the execution phase where all the negotiated documents are signed, and the transaction is officially completed. Money is exchanged, and ownership of the business is transferred from the seller to the buyer. Our team will diligently oversee the process, ensuring that all closing conditions are satisfied, issues are handled, and the parties stay on track to address concerns raised by both sides in order to maximize the likelihood that your objectives are protected.

    Even after the closing, there may be ongoing obligations for the buyer, such as deferred purchase price payments, indemnity escrow holdbacks, term employment agreements, post-closing tax filings, and performance earnout targets. We can provide guidance and support in fulfilling these obligations.

Take the Next Step: Call for Guidance

The complexities inherent in selling a manufacturing business underscore the need for expert advice. Leverage the specialized knowledge, extensive network, and strategic insights of our team at Adams Corporate Law, to ensure the most favorable outcome for the sale of your manufacturing business. You’ll gain a partner committed to guiding you through every stage of this journey. Reach out to our team today at (714) 619-9360.

The Manufacturers Network Podcast
Tune In to The Manufacturers’ Network Podcast Featuring Addison Adams
Get strategic insights on navigating your next manufacturing business sale!
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